2019 New York State Girls Championship


K-6 Championship


Trophies Are Awarded To

The Twelve Top-Scoring Individuals

And Team Plaques To

The Four Top-Scoring School Teams



Everyone who scores 5 or more points and does not win a trophy will receive a medal instead!



2019 New York State Girls Championship Free Entry Prizes And Restrictions Are Listed Below!

     Individual free entry prizes (each Championship section):  Free entry to TWO specified Continental Chess tournaments thru 12/31/2019 to 1st!

     Free entries courtesy of Continental Chess. A "specified Continental Chess (or CCA) tournament" is a tournament, from those listed here, with all the prizes 100% unconditionally guaranteed.  See www.chesscenter.cc or www.littlehouseofchess.com or www.chesstour.com for more information.


 For indivisible prizes, such as trophies, championship titles, free entries, etc., the following Tiebreak systems are used to break ties among players with the same final score.


          What if several players are tied at the end with the same score?  The order of tiebreak systems used is:


      1.      Modified Median Tiebreaks (add the scores of your opponents, disregarding the least significant (usually the lowest-scoring opponent); any games unplayed by your opponents are adjusted to count as a ½-point).  If still tied,

      2.      Solkoff Tiebreaks (add adjusted scores of all opponents),

      3.      Cumulative Tiebreaks (add your cumulative scores after each round),

      4.      Cumulative of Opposition (sum of the cumulative tiebreaks of all your opponents),

      5.      Game/10 or Game/5 or similar playoff (this is the only method used to break perfect score ties, such as 5-0 or 6-0).

               The above tiebreaks are also used to break ties among individuals who are tied for a specific place on the same team. 


                For breaking ties among teams, the following tiebreak systems will be used:

      1.      Cumulative (sum of the team's three top scoring players' cumulative tiebreaks),

      2.      Modified Median (sum of the Modified Median tiebreaks of the team's three top scorers),

      3.      Solkoff (sum of the team's three top scorers' Solkoff tiebreaks),

      4.      Cumulative of Opposition (sum of the cumulative tiebreaks of the opponents of the team's three top scorers),

      5.      Game/10 or Game/5 or similar playoff (this is the only method used to break perfect score team ties).


               In extreme circumstances, the Tournament Director may use a different tiebreak system if the above systems do not work.